A 5k Giveaway In The Works!

Haute Mess

One day I will figure out how to not look like I got hit by a Mack truck after a race. I’m sure the Brightroom photos will bring us all a good laugh in the next day or so.

Since Sunday…

Monday: Chillaxed. The day is a total blur courtesy of the time change.

Tuesday: 8 miles @ easy pace

Weds: 3 miles @ easy, 8×400 @ 1:31 (200m RI), .50 cool down, core workout.

Plan is to XT tomorrow, easy run on Friday, long run on Saturday and then…let the TAPER MADNESS begin!! I have been hitting between 50-60 miles the past 2 weeks I am looking forward to a little downtime.

So You Want A Free Entry Into A Race

Who doesn’t?

If you are in So Cal and are looking for a festive 5k to run in December look no further!

TheJingle Bell 5k Run/Walk for Arthritis will be held on December 10th (a Saturday!) in San Diego and one lucky reader is going to win an entry and some sweet schwag! Have you been thinking about your first 5k but have been too nervous to sign up? Or maybe you are looking to PR and just haven’t found the right race? Or maybe you want to dress up like an elf and run with moi. Now THAT sounds like a good time. Your opportunity to run (or walk it) FO FREE is coming so start thinking of some really good reasons why YOU (yes, I’m talking to you) should win!

One Last Thing Before I Get Back To Work

I have received several emails/comments/questions on how I dealt with and got rid of the beast known as Plantar Fasciitis . I am going to do a Q&A post in the next few days and will discuss! If there is anything else you would like to know (like the recipe for the pumpkin chocolate chip cookies) let me know and we will get all kinds of random.

Happy Hump Day!


17 thoughts on “A 5k Giveaway In The Works!

  1. I love your blog, and thought you should know that IF you end up having a giveaway, I’m thinking you should totally pick me. 🙂
    1. First to comment
    2. I am training (read: trying to get my haute mess ready) for my first half marathon in January
    3. I have no races on the calendar for December
    4. I’m ounces (yes, on good trip to the potty, no doubt) away from hitting a 20lb loss since March
    5. I FEEL like a Mack truck has run me over. Repeatedly. For weeks now. But I’m pushing through with hopes of being a Haute Running Mama too!

    Back to work I go, and I’ll be thinking of some really good reasons why I should win. If you have a giveaway, that is…

      1. I’m running the inaugural Tinkerbell Half! I would love to finish in 2:15. Ok, I would love to finish in 1:30, but know 2:15 is more my reality.
        Q&A – Super tight psoas, adductors and hip flexors after my long runs. Long = 7miles. The morning after I can barely put weight on my left leg. Suggestions?
        Thanks, and love being a follower!

  2. Yes, I need that cookie recipe, please!

    For your Q & A post, how long do you strech after you run? I always wonder if there’s a magic number for that 😉

    Wish I could enter the giveawa for the 5K…sounds like fun!

      1. Yes they do. The Arthritis Foundation has Jingle Bell Run/Walks all over the country. But the San Diego one is BY FAR the best:)

  3. I really like your blog, hrm! And, you look awesome after racing. I really like the blue running shirt you’re wearing in the pic, what brand is it?

  4. ummmm Nicole….you look pretty HOT! in every pic you’ve ever posted on here 😛 post race photos included. and will the 5k giveaway include flights from Canada and free accommodations /w you ?? 😀

  5. THAT’S what getting hit by a Mack truck looks like? You haven’t seen any of my half marathon pics. I always look like the Grim Reaper is carrying me across the finish line!

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