
This time last year I was tapering. And here I am doing it again. With only 1 1/2 weeks to go until Carlsbad it’s time to reflect back on twenty-12 and figure out just what the heck I am going to do with myself in twenty-13 (besides the obvious like fill up my DVR with guilty pleasures).


Twenty Twelve:


Ran: 1,618 miles. Short of the goal I had set, but still an awesome accomplishment. Not sure when I found time (mostly before sunrise) but it happened.


* Had my first DNF. Learned a lot from this race.

*PR’d in the 5 mile15k, Half and Marathon Distance! Cheeeeseee! Cheeeeseee

* Ran an Ultra Relay with girls who are now my best friends 🙂


* Finally found shoes that work for me and have been injury free ever since! Dear Brooks, I heart you and your Pure line.


* We moved to a new city and rented out our little place. (Don’t you love how I make it sound like we ventured far away?)


* Had a successful business year (although at times I felt royally defeated)

* My oldest started Kinder, finished his first season of pony league baseball and reminded me daily that he rules the world


* My littlest continued her efforts to become a real life “mermaid” or “princess.” She started pre-k, and attempted to get me to sign her up for dance, gymnastics, soccer and softball. Ha! I love that she wants to do everything. She does not love that I make her choose one activity at a time.


* We learned that my MIL was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. This was the hardest part of 2012. She is an inspiration and a warrior. I look up to her more than she probably knows. She is still fighting this awful disease and we will not stop praying that she will be healed.

Mama Kay and her little Bear
Mama Kay and her little Bear

* Spent more time with family and friends. That was the best part of this year. Making time to see each other is HUGE!


So what’s the haps for 2013? Set a goal to run a zillion miles? PR in life? I’ve decided upon no mileage/workout resolutions this year. I bust my hiney every dang day. Period.  Hard work + dedication = life change that I committed to 3 years ago.


(#BCOD = Buttcrack of dawn. You all know that’s when I do the most work.)

Plans for Twenty-13:


* Stay injury free, explore new places and have fun. No pressure, just good times 🙂 Motivate people to move their feet!

* Races- my schedule is pending. Nothing like waiting til the last minute to register!


* Continue to pray for MIL and be an advocate for her. Cancer sucks.

* Do work. On the job and in life. I want to be present for everyone I come in contact with. That means for you to. Yes you reading this 🙂

* Read the bible from cover to cover and do my best to be a good and faithful servant.

* Work hard/Play hard. Bring on vacation! Life is short so we are going to do some exploring 🙂 WOOOHOOOO!!

Pretty simple eh? I like things that way. Overprogramming is not my gig.


OK, I’m off to go over my training plan for the next couple weeks!


Did you make any resolutions for 2013?

31 thoughts on “Twenty-13

  1. You had a big 2012 and I love that you’re letting it flow naturally in 2013, just hard work. I really feel very similar, I have no race schedule set (other than Boston) and I am ok with that… let the good times roll baby! btw- Thank you for thinking of me the other day on my “long run”, it was tough, I’m not going to lie, but He has other plans for me and, who am I not to trust Him?

    1. You will run sub 3:40! Believe it my friend 🙂

      My church does a fast at the beginning of each year and then challenges everyone to go cover to cover in a year. It’s a lot of fun! Although I don’t partake in the fast I am able to give something up so I feel like I am participating. It’s pretty cool 🙂

  2. Normally I make a resolution for the year and set my running goals. Since our baby will be born in June, I’m not setting any specific resolution or goal. I’m just going to focus on having a healthy pregnancy and start my work to get fitness back after he/she is here. I’m very excited for this year!

    1. Heeeeeyyyyy!! So now that they are changing the course (hallelujah!!!) I may be running it!! I’m waiting for them to release the final course. It is so awesome that they moved the finish to downtown. That alone is a million times better than sea world!

  3. YESS!!! Bust a sweat every dang day! I need to adopt this theory! I’m falling back in love with fitness and I’m moving to a new neighborhood that is SO runner friendly I’m hoping it’ll reignite that love affair 😉

  4. Good luck at Carlsbad!! Such a great race 🙂 I have small goals for 2013 but most importantly, I’m due with a baby girl (our first!) in April and want to be the best mommy I possibly can be! After that, I hope to get back into the running /racing by fall. Cheers to your 2013 and best of luck!

    1. Yes, I love Carlsbad!! Super bonus when I get to roll out of bed and ride my bike to the start line 🙂

      Congrats on your baby girl!! You are going to be an awesome mommy. I think she should make her grand entrance on April 6th 🙂 It happens to be a great day 🙂 🙂 🙂

  5. i only wear brooks!! love them and my fave is the launch.

    prayer’s for your MIL. your daughter favors her looks 🙂 as i’m typing this i have a friend slipping away slowly in her final bout with this disgusting disease of cancer. my advise, pray every single day for a miracle.

    my goal for this year is to love as if love will be gone tomorrow. i will more than likely only pick races that raise money to fight this disease.

    take care.

    1. Jenny I love your dedication! This is a terrible disease and it feels like so many doctors just throw their hands in the air. I hate cancer. She has been without chemo for a month now and I feel like I want to shake sense into the docs. Do something. Anything! We just keep praying for a miracle. Without faith what else do we have?

      I will certainly do my part in raising money for the cause. My hubby’s aunt is doing a 100 mile bike ride on April 6 (my bday!) to raise money for the cause. If you know of races let me know!

  6. Love this post! And I with you on not getting mileage/time/etc goals. That’s not what is important. Hardwork + dedication will lead to good things anyway. No need to stress yourself out with specific, arbitrary numbers.

    6 days! Woo hoo!

  7. Just came across your blog! I love that you are running AND a full time working mommy. I do the same thing myself, and it’s always nice to see someone else doing it too! I promise I will visit your site often. (love the butt crack of dawn comment)

  8. Ok, I’m going to ask the question – where did you get that cute purple headband? Its adorable!!!! Would you happen to have any tips to getting up early? I keep trying, but its not working. Thank you!!

  9. I liked your goals:-) I read the bible cover to cover (it was a daily reading one, so it had a little old, new, psalms, and proverbs everyday, which helped) in about a year and a half and should do it again; made for an awesome transition in my life. Good luck with that, but like with your running goal do it out of pleasure, not because you have a deadline;-) Congrats on the marathon. I’m glad you’re posting again and pray your next update on your MIL is a very happy one!

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