Running, Texas Christmas and 2013


Haven’t done it in 4 days. In fact, for the first time in months I do not have a huge load of wash/hang dry clothes and it feels kind of weird.  Almost like my world is off tilt a little. I did get a few runs in while enjoying vacay in Texas but then a big snow storm hit and, well, I just decided to sit around and do nothing. Dang it felt good. Lazy, but good.

In those few days of eat all things and no exercise came a reminder via email that I am registered for a January marathon. Oy. I am not even close to being ready for it. I have had 2 double digit runs in the past month- neither was further than 15 miles. I plan on a long run this weekend with Chacha and hope to survive. No PR plans for this race. It’s going to be straight up survival mode. In fact, if C is in town she is going to be running the same race and it will likely involve the two of us chatting away hilly miles. Misery loves company 🙂

So in knowing I need to get my hiney in gear it’s time to find some short, fast races to get me motivated. If you have any suggestions let me know. I’ll likely mix in 5/10/15ks and maybe a half or two. I am for sure going to take on the Disney double challenge in September and may head back to Chicago in October. Other than that, the calendar is wide open. This may be my last year involving any distance longer than the half so I’m going to register for all long distance races in the next few weeks before I talk myself out of it. 





We spent 5 days in Texas with my MIL/FIL and all B/SILS, nieces and nephews. It was so fun watching the kids play and just have time to sit and talk and do NOTHING. In California it seems like we always have something that we have to do leading up to Christmas. In Texas we didn’t have to be anywhere or do a darn thing. I loved it. It snowed and we went outside and took pictures. It was -11 with gusts up to 60 miles per hour. The snow was literally sideways and we didn’t care. We just had fun being together!


My MIL is amazing. She continues her battle against Pancreatic Cancer and she has no plans to lose. We know that HE has a plan and that whatever it may be we will take away something positive. No matter that the doctors say we know that Dr. Jesus is the one that makes miracles happen. We just have to keep praying for that miracle.

She was out in the snow, she played with the kids, she baked, she cooked and she just spent time with us. I know she wanted to be able to do so much more but that’s why we were there. We were able to step in when she needed us to and handle tasks that she just didn’t have the energy for (which was very little by the way, my strong MIL). I don’t think I have ever seen someone with such courage and determination. She has faith as small as a mustard seed! Nothing is impossible for her.

The 5 days we were there flew by. Seems like every trip goes by faster. We hate it when we have to leave. It just plain stinks. We are hoping that they will come to visit in January or Feb and then we will go back again on Spring Break. Time is so precious that we cannot allow months to go by without seeing each other. We will not allow it.

We made in back to CA around 1 am on Thursday and now it’s time to get ready to ring in the New Year! I am not sure what 2013 will bring us but I do know I am looking forward to making many new memories with my family and friends. 

How was your Christmas/Hanukkah?! Any plans to ring in 2013?! Anyone want to race with me next weekend? HINT HINT HINT!

16 thoughts on “Running, Texas Christmas and 2013

  1. I am slipping a marathon in in Jan as well, just a little local one that has received horrible reviews, but a small unassuming event might work better for me. Hopefully we can meet up at a race one day. So glad you had a nice time in TX. It looked so relaxing and your MIL is simply amazing. Have a safe and Happy New year! xoxo

    1. I have a feeling you will run a very strong Jan marathon. Small events rock. Carlsbad mary is small (in comparison to the half) which is why I like it. Just wish I would have trained. Darn. Oh well, can use it to train for the next one, right?!

      She is amazing. The news does not get better yet she takes it like a champ.

      Lets race together soon!

  2. That picture of you and your son is priceless! You look gorgeous and are glowing with love! It’s really sweet! Love reading updates about your warrior MIL! She is definitely a fighter! One of my favorite parts of this post was you saying “We will not allow it” about time. Gosh…so very true!

    1. Isn’t it crazy how fast time passes? Seems like we often miss the little things because we get caught up in the craziness of life. Time is so precious right now because it’s not guaranteed.

  3. Oh my goodness…gorgeous photos! Some day maybe I will make it down south to meet you and run something at the same time as you. Notice I didn’t say “with” you because I will only ever be that fast in my dreams! haha!

    Continued prayers for your MIL and all those who love and support her. PTL for her strength and faith!

    I registered for my first Half in 5 years! Shamrock’n March 17th…excited!

    1. Awww thanks!! And I can always use a running partner. Running with friends is a big motivator for me 🙂

      So excited that you are getting back to the half distance! Is Shamrockin the one in Sac?! Hmmmmm…I grew up just outside of that area. Good excuse to go visit friends!!

      1. Yes, it’s on St. Patricks Day. I grew up in the Bay Area but live in Rocklin now. This will be my first ShamrockN Half. So excited…it’s supposed to be a really fun course. You should totally come run it! 🙂

  4. If I’m gonna read anyone’s blog in my blogging-laziness it’ll be yours!

    -11 F? Seriously? That’s colder than back east. Only way I’d run in that is via peer pressure from an XC coach and the rest of the team.

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