Getting Back On Track

I cannot believe it has been 2 weeks since I last wrote. If every week went by as fast as the past few I’d be singing jingle bells next week. Scary thought.

It would take way too much time to write out every detail so here are a few highlights:

> We moved! FINALLY. It took 3 trips to get all of the stuff out of our old place. Our new house looks like boxes barfed all over it but at least we are in. It will probably take me at least a month to be totally organized and then I’ll take some shots of the place.

> I now have a work commute. OK, it’s not that bad- 35ish minutes or so. Could be worse. I’m so used to being within 10 minutes of everything that the extra 25 gives me an excuse for more coffee. If that’s wrong I don’t want to be right.

> While my mileage has been less than stellar I finally got to run my hood. I was super intimidated for whatever reason. Oh yeah, it’s crazy hilly. I don’t think people realize that living at sea level doesn’t mean the entire town is flat. I only had time for 6 miles for my first jaunt and I pretty much went up and down the entire time. Good times.

> In the midst of everything we headed up to my old stomping grounds in NorCal for my cousin’s wedding. It was all kinds of awesome. The kids were allowed to wear costumes and all other guests we encouraged to come in fun colors. Favorite extra? Photo booth. Mike and Mel, you two rock. Enjoy the honeymoon!

> I got my big boy registered for Kinder and signed up for baseball. So crazy that they have a Fall league for the little ones now. At least they keep it “fun” and not competitive at this age. Growing up in a sports playing family I know how crazy things can get. Seriously.

> My princess starts dance classes in a few weeks. Bring on 24 hours of tap dancing in the kitchen. I used to make my Dad nuts with that 🙂

> MIL went for a second opinion and is undergoing some tests to determine if alternate treatment is a possibility (think surgery). We are going to just keep praying that we will have faith in HIS will. It’s not up to us (although sometimes we think we would like it to be).

> Chicago is 7 weeks away. Training has been on the back burner for the past few weeks so I may need to take a look at my goals and adjust accordingly. I’m still getting miles in but the “long” runs (20 milers) have not happened. I’ve got a solid 4 weeks left until taper so that should be plenty of time. If not I’ll do what I can 🙂

Anything else? If there is I can’t remember at this point.

Oh, I’m over summer. Totally over it. Bring on fall.


I hope all is well with you guys! I miss chit chatting with you. Now that I’m getting settled in I will do a better job of keeping the blog updated.

What’s new?!

23 thoughts on “Getting Back On Track

  1. Congratulations on. The new place and starting to get settled! And I am really jealous of the hills. Where I live it is beyond flat and I have to augment my training with the treadmill. What’s your goal with Chicago? Finish? PR? Anyway awesome post!

    1. Hi Jared 🙂 Thanks! SD county is seriously hilly. You should come run here sometime 🙂

      Goal for Chicago is PR but may need to rethink if the next few weeks get crazy. So far this week I am back on track. We will see 🙂

  2. Sounds like things have been crazy for you. Glad you are moved and getting settled. I hear you about the hills, since moving to SoCal I have been humbled by those hill, hills, hills, damn those hills. I love how relaxed you are about Chicago, seriously love that about you. Continued prayers for your MIL.

    1. 2 weeks ago I was so amped and fired up on training….then life got in the way, lol. Priorities. I figure if I can swing it I’ll go for it but if not I am not going to beat myself up. Remind me of this after the race, ha!!

      Yes we live in hilly country!

  3. We need to get do some runs together now that you’re local! I am willing to get up v. early 🙂

    Are you going to do your long runs on the 101?

  4. Glad your move is done. I hate moving ! Hoping you get settled in….it’s always a good feeling when everything finds a place and boxes are gone. Can’t wait to follow your next few weeks of training! Those hills should be helpful 😉 Prayers for sure for your MIL

  5. Slowly but surely creeping your way north 🙂 And yes, hills. I live in the middle of ’em and particularly the only way back to my house from any run is a 6% grade .6 mile uphill run. I’m not going to lie, for a long time I drove to the bottom of the hill. Once I stopped, my times got better – funny how that works! Maybe you should do an OC long run with some party peeps up here one of these days!

    1. Heeeeyyyyy girl! Its been a minute since I have been up to the OC. A run date would be fun!

      I moved from one hilly neighborhood to one that is significantly worse. Way to go me, ha!

  6. Moving is the worst! Glad you are moved in! When I lived in San Diego every run was full of hills – I hated it but it made my flat runs soooooo easy! I’m actually heading out to SoCal this week to visit my MIL & I’m kinda dreading the hilly runs I have in store for me 🙂

    Prayers for your MIL.

  7. Wow! Looks like a lot has happened for you in two weeks! It’s great to hear about all the news and transitions (your son going into kindergarten!). I’ve started my marathon training for the CIM in December.
    I will definitely be praying for your MIL

  8. What’s new? I miss you and I will be in So Cal next month. To bad it’s Santa Anna and just for an overnight trip. I majorly need bestie time! Xoxo

  9. Even if it’s two weeks, it’s so nice to read another fun post by you! Your family is the cutest ever, and I look forward to more Chicago updates ’cause you’re totally going to kick it’s hiney! Praying for your MIL 🙂

  10. Congratulations on the move. Those hills in your hood look tough, but they are going to make you an even better runner than you already are! I bet you are going to rock it in Chicago. You’ve developed a great base of miles the past few months and with your hood hills thrown in the next few weeks, there’ll be no stopping you!

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