This only happens to me…I think

The last “This only happens to me post” was funny and lighthearted. I mean, really, it’s funny to expose a butt cheek tattoo from 1997 to an unexpecting doc.  I just can’t make that stuff up.

This time it’s irritating ish. I know this doesn’t just happen to me but I have to keep the segment going. Like you I’m into consistency so let me run with it m-kay? (no pun intended)

“They” say things happen in 3s. Boom, boom and boom. Accomplished. Where do I start?

Numero Uno

Last Saturday the plan was to head to Disneyland for my daughter’s birthday. She is the big “3” so I scheduled her princess makeover at the Bibbidy Bobbidy Boutique (one has to be 3!) and rounded up the troops. To say she was excited is an understatement.

Cinderella dress was on, we drove 45 min to pick up my family (mom, dad, siblings, nephews) and then continued our caravan to D-land. We get to Orange County and hit traffic. I call the boutique to tell them we are running late and I am told that the park is closed. Say what? Disney never closes. We ran a half marathon at 5:30 a.m. so to not disrupt the park opening. Apparently some yahoo left a bag near the front gate that was considered a bomb threat. Not kidding. We get there and sit. And wait. And then are told at 10:30 a.m. that it would be another 4-5 hours. It was 80 degrees. There is no way in h-e-double hockey sticks you can ask small children to wait that long. Party over. Tears flowed. Sorry princess.

We hit up plan B which was a last minute par-tay at my bro’s house.

Numero Dos

Sunday evening we head home after a long weekend. As soon as we walk in the door I notice that the kitchen floor looks weird. Almost warped. I asked LD to look at it and as soon as he stepped into the kitchen water bubbled up through the floor. No effing way! We had a slab leak in 08 and had to deal with home repairs for more than 30 days. It’s now 6:30 p.m. and I am on the phone to insurance, plumbers, dry out service, etc. This turned into no water and therefore unable to stay in the house.

Since then I have been dealing with nothing but crazy and staying at my parents house. Between insurance companies, the HOA, contractors, etc my head is spinning. Just what I feel like dealing with right before a half marathon. Yippeeee.

Numero Tres

On Tuesday LD takes my car into a mechanic to get some work done and reset the codes so that the dash lights would quit having a hissy fit. He goes to pick it up on Tuesday night and…notices a dent and a scratch. You betcha. The mechanic accidentally crashed the car. It wasn’t horrible but with everything else going on now this? Good grief. At this point the only thing we could do is laugh because it kind of felt like we were being punked.

So there you have it. The 3s. It can only go up from here right? What does one do when the madness ensues?

Find time to run it out.

That’s the look of tired, stress and sweaty.


The SD Half Marathon is this weekend! Pam and I are running it. Anyone else? Any other races?

Anyone want to babysit my family while we try to complete a kitchen remodel?